Just Human

Just Human

The lovely people who follow :]

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I hate valentines day babe.


I think my least favorite day is valentines day. I mean I never have a date..Maybe thats why I am soo bitter about it.But then I am kinda picky when it comes to guys. I want that one amazing guy.

I wish love was as easy as saying your mine and I am yours end of story. No stupid sticky drama. No break ups. No games. Just love. Too bad life isn't like that. Life is full of hate and rejects.

Just once I wish a guy would stand our side of my house with a radio on his shoulder blasting some dumb love song. And singing along with it![ Examples:"All I want is you" From the into to Juno. Or some other sappy song like "Just the way you are" By Bruno Mars.] Or maybe just randomly hand me a rose during school. Who would ask me to a dance in front of one of my classes. Just randomly come in with a single rose and a card or poster thing that reads "Prom?" For an example.Just once a guy that respect me in every way. A guy who could see through me and know exactly how I feel.
On valentines got me a huge bear like almost as tall as me.Just to tell me he cares..And not make shorts jokes about me that day.

I wish I had a chill guy who didn't care about what I wear. or how we act. We just loved each other and that was it.

But I am too young for real love.

And too old for childish fantasy's.
SO! for not I will be content with what I got. Be happy that I am young and some day a guy will come.

"Skip the talk, heard it all, time to walk the walk
brake me off, if you bad, show me how's the boss
need some goose, to get loose, come on take a shot "

~ Allie shine of the sun.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

We all fall down. And get up...Sometimes too quickly.

Don't you hate how bad we are as humans? I mean yes I am two faced? But now a days..Who isn't? I am fake. So is everyone else. I mean I have my friends who I am legit with. I show them my real emotions.And the people I dislike I am two faced with. I am nice to their face but i secretly don't like them. It doesn't mean I am a bad person or anything it just means I can work with others ..Even if I hate them.And it doesn't mean I am talking shit about them. You can call them friendamies. But I like to call them acquaintances.

Keep your friends close. And your enemies closer. it's the truth...

Monday, January 3, 2011

I would give you the day. But it's not mine yet.

I wish that I was out of school. But then again. If I was I would miss it way too much. It is crazy to think that I am a junior in high school already. Just yesterday I was in fifth grade again.Riding my bike to school and forgetting the lock and having to ride back home and then back to school again. I miss those days when I was young and innocent. Shooting the breeze and letting things just go over my head.No I understanding most of it. But no. My innocence is gone and my youth is getting older by the seconds. I wish I could stop time and just live.

Today was the first day of the school year. Great right?..Yeah uh huh. History was a snooze. It's my doodle class. And Algebra 2 was just too long and painful. English wasn't too bad just long and my wrist really hurt. About another 8 months before it will stop hurting..Not to exciting.I had a headache all of today.

And to top all of that off. Right after school I found out we had play rehearsal..Just grand. "I am soo tired I could sleep for a 100 years. Or another 100 that is:)" Well it was alright. I needed to get the info and contracts and stuff so it's all good.

Song of the day: Fashion- Lady Gaga.:)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Lets Bucket list this bitch."

You know what? The movie Easy A Was a pretty good movie. I think it's a lot like society.Shoving things down our throat,just like in the movie. And everyone has their different opinions on it. I mean really I live in California and everything here is shoved down my throat and thats how I feel. I don't care if you live somewhere else and you love your society and "how far we have come" Your opinion is grand. To you! Anyway I don't feel like going on and on about that.

So heres my bucket list.

1.Sing the national anthem in front of a stadium.
2.Get pastry shoes. [DONE!]
3.Meet Mick Jagger.
4.Get famous for something..
5.Get to 500 things on this list.
6.Write a letter that is 20 pages wrong.
7.Visit every state in the U.S.
8.Go on a cruise.
9.Complete a 365 project of some sort.
10.Memorize a whole movie.
11.Write my own book.

..And well so on I guess I will keep posting new ones till I am done!

Song of the day. Random from my zune.

Jonas Brothers- Still in love with you.

I am bad at introductions.

Hi.Names Allie.16.Junior.Single with a crush.Hates school. Speaks English.